After careful deliberation, we have concluded that we will be suspending the organization of the Scottish Rock Show for the foreseeable future. Our focus will now shift towards enhancing our Showroom and Museum spaces.
10th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 9-10th December 2023
Thank you to all visitors that joined us this time. We really do appreciate your support!
9th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 16-17th September 2023
We had such a great time again! Big thank you to all visitors and sellers that joined us :) Hopefully see you soon!
8th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 11-12th March 2023
www.CaledonianRockShop.com once again hosted the Scottish Mineral, Fossil and Jewellery Show in Glasgow.Check the videos from the event on our Instagram :)
7th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 10-11th December 2022
1. www.CaledonianRockShop.com
2. Crystal Willow - crystalwillow.co.uk
3. Crystallop - crystallop.com
4. MariDani Art - www.instagram.com/maridani_art
5. Luna y Sol - www.facebook.com/Lunaysolhandmade
6. Saga's Art - Facebook: Saga'sArt
7. Body&Mind Health Solutions
Scottish Rocks
Eggs & Rock - Scotland VS World (updated)
Fluorescent Minerals (new specimens added!)
Minerals on the post stamps
Beauty of Malachite (new specimens added :))
6th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 3-4th September 2022
Lavender Eclipse www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071321234437
Witchcraft Emporium www.witchcraftemporium.co.uk
Mystic Pixie Mysticpixieshop.etsy.com
Luna y Sol www.facebook.com/Lunaysolhandmade
Crystal Willow crystalwillow.co.uk
WitchinCrystals linktr.ee/dannimooremetaphysical
Kathleen Merry Jewellery
Body & Mind Health Solutions
Eggs & Rock - Scotland VS World
Fluorescent Minerals
Minerals on the post stamps
Beauty of Malachite
5th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 4-5th June 2022
We had a great weekend again on our annual Rock Show.
Our educational exhibitions included Scottish Burn Anne Agate - collection of Kevin Gorrie and his family, as well as Beauty of Malachite, Minerals on the post stamps and Fluorescent minerals - private Dagmara's collections.
Along with www.CaledonianRockShop.com, we had also whole new set of traders:
Lavender Aura gifts https://crafters.market/shop/lavender-aura-gifts
Reiki29spirit https://www.instagram.com/reiki29spirit
Top2Toe Therapies
Witchcraft Emporium witchcraftemporium.co.uk
WitchinCrystals linktr.ee/dannimooremetaphysical
Yesouidoo www.yesouidoo.com
Zen Crystals and Healing
Please visit our Instagram to view videos and pictures from this event: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYxz1XI9d8
We hope to host next show at the beginning of September 2022.
4th Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show 5-6th March 2022
We were lucky to have again our favourite Scottish mineral collector Dr David Anderson in charge of our Educational exhibition. David exhibited this time mini collection of Scottish Quartz Group. Dagmara prepared again her Malachite collection along with superb display of Fluorescent minerals.
We had also many new exhibitors joining our show:
Agate & Ayre www.agateandayre.com @agateandayre
Anahata Accessories www.etsy.com/uk/shop/anahataxaccessories @anahataaccessories
Anyother Kingdom www.anyotherkingdom.uk @anyotherkingdom_
Caledonian Rock Shop www.CaledonianRockShop.com @caledonianrockshop
Doreens Gems www.facebook.com/doreensgemscoatbridge
Mermaid Teardrops www.facebook.com/Elaineseaglass
Pure Craft www.facebook.com/Pure-Craft-111753414297608 @purecraftarts
Reiki in the City www.reiki-in-the-city.co.uk
Sunflower Cottage sunflowercottagegifts.myshopify.com
We are looking forward to the next show - hopefully in June.
3rd Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show December 2021
On the 4th and 5th of December 2021 we hosted 3rd Rock Show in Glasgow. Sadly, Scottish Fossil Exhibition could not take place, however Dagmara's Malachite collection has been showed for a first time.
This time, along with Caledonian Rock Shop, new vendors attended with crystals, gemstones, cut stones and rocks, tourmalines & handmade jewellery (including Two Skies, Bonnie Gems, Anahata Accessories, anyotherkingdom and others).
This time we raised £85 for the Scottish Geology Trust charity - we thank you all who donated.
We hope to host another Show in Spring 2022.
Photos and summary: www.CaledonianRockShop.com
2nd Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show September 2021
On the 4th and 5th of September 2021 www.CaledonianRockShop.com proudly hosted the second “Scottish Mineral, Fossil and Jewellery Show” at Gallowgate in Glasgow, Scotland.
As the first Show was just before the first lockdown and many people did not have a chance to visit, we decided to bring back Mr Lee Palmer from Gold Publications UK, presenting his book “Gold Occurrences in the UK” and Dr David Anderson with his exhibition of Scottish Agates.
We had also exhibitors with Scottish gemstone jewellery, cut stones and rocks, bismuth creations and other handmade gifts. Oil paintings of Scottish scenery by Baska have been available to admire also. Visitors had a chance again to purchase tickets for our Rock Raffle Lottery.
The biggest hit was our Fluorescent Room where we presented fluorescent and phosphorescent minerals from Scotland and other parts of the world. The ohhhs and ahhhs coming from the room all weekend really rocked!
We were also raising money for the Scottish Geology Trust charity, the host of the Scottish Geology Festival. From 1st September until 17th of October 2021, The Scottish Geology Festival 2021 brings you a packed programme of activities from Stranraer to Shetland that will showcase and celebrate Scotland’s geology. Events range from coastal walks to fossil hunting to online talks and even boat trips to Siccar Point, where James Hutton found proof of an ancient Earth. You can explore extinct volcanoes in Edinburgh or the UNESCO Global Geopark in the North West Highlands, find evidence of ancient tropical seas and coral reefs in Fife, and learn how the recent ice age helped shaped our incredible Scottish landscapes; geology isn’t just a thing of the past, but a tool for exploring our future too. More info: https://www.scottishgeologytrust.org/festival
We have received even more of positive feedback about the event, and we cannot wait to host another Show in the near future.
Photos and summary: Dagmara Lesiow at www.CaledonianRockShop.com & https://www.scottishgeologytrust.org
1st Scottish Mineral, Fossil & Jewellery Show March 2020
On the 14th and 15th of March 2020 www.CaledonianRockShop.com hosted the “Scottish Mineral, Fossil and Jewellery Show” at Gallowgate in Glasgow, Scotland. This was the first show in Scotland of its kind for more than 20 year and was conceived and organised by Dagmara Lesiow.
“This show is a result of pursuing my dream” says Dagmara owner of Caledonian Rock Shop. “I qualified with a Masters degree in Geology specializing in Mineralogy and Petrology in Poland and I have over 25 years experience collecting both minerals and fossils from all over Europe. I have lived in Glasgow, Scotland for the past 12 years and I have had a unique opportunity to collect some amazing specimens in this geologically diverse, yet small and beautiful country. I came from a background where Mineral Shows are held a few times a year in most of the major cities in Poland. I always loved the atmosphere of them, so I decided to share it with others here in Scotland”.
There was a wide variety of Scottish exhibitors who were offering minerals, crystals, cut gems and jewellery for sale. Caledonian Rock Shop presented a wide selection of Scottish minerals and fossils, mostly self-collected. British and minerals from other parts of the world were also presented. A “Rock raffle” was organised and it proved very popular among the visitors with the chance to win quality specimens such as Blue John Fluorite.
The Show had a few unique guests and exhibitors.
First of them was Mr Lee Palmer from Gold Publications UK. He has presented his new book “Gold Occurrences in the UK” (available to purchase: http://www.goldpublications.co.uk). In his book the discovery of a large Gold nugget was announced for the first time, it weighing 4.2oz (121.3g). The 22-carat lump of gold was found in a Scottish river by an unnamed gold panner. It is the biggest Gold nugget found in the UK to date. It was discovered in two pieces that surprisingly fit together perfectly, but leaving a small hole in the middle, earning it the name “The Reunion Nugget”.
The visitors had also a unique opportunity to admire Dr David Anderson’s exhibition of “Scottish Agates”. Dr Anderson is co-author of the iconic book “Scottish Agates” published in 2010 with Nick Crawford. David believes that Scottish agates, although fewer in number, are often second to none in their colour, pattern and beauty compared to agates from other parts of the World. If you missed the exhibition, you can visit David’s website: http://www.agatesofscotland.co.uk
David and Dagmara have also created a unique poster “Scottish Agates” which was revealed for a first time at the Show, now available to purchase at www.CaledonianRockShop.com
“I think the Show was a great success. We had visitors that had come specifically from abroad as well as from all over UK. There were many local people attending as well and they were amazed at what natural treasures can be found here in Scotland”.
“Scottish geology is very underestimated nowadays and we want to educate people in hope that a new generation of mineral and fossil collectors will arise. We have received a lot of positive feedback, so we are planning to organise another event in the near future” says Dagmara.
Text: Dagmara Lesiow
Photos: Bart Jurkowski